
The purpose and required range of functions of report servers can vary greatly. All too often, all that is needed is a central “reporting engine” that serves as a hub for distributing reports and a backend for developers and report designers in collaborative work. Sometimes, however, the requirements and wishes go beyond this and the server also provides dashboards and analysis functions; it then serves as a central information platform in the company and not only supports operational activities, but also improves and accelerates strategic decision-making.

While mature, living business intelligence environments are not necessarily suitable for companies of all sizes – especially in terms of cost/benefit aspects – practically every company today has its own treasure trove of data. Whether data from sales, administration or process data, the real value for companies comes from the correct linking, preparation and targeted provision for the various groups of end users.

In line with our philosophy of modularized architecture, we present below some well-known server platforms with a focus on their use as a central hub for the generation and distribution of standard reports. The criteria for selection are compatibility with widely used report development tools such as BIRT and JasperReports, cost and scalability of the platform, as well as the ability to integrate into the company’s own software architecture and infrastructure.

The following comparison matrix is only an excerpt of the functions we have validated. Talk to us for more in-depth questions and detailed functional requirements directly to ! We have all the systems listed here available as DEMOs at any time (as far as the manufacturer’s licensing conditions allow), will be happy to provide you with detailed information and analyze together with you which solution best suits your requirements.

Comparison matrix Reporting Server

JasperReports Server CE 8.2JasperReports Server Pro 9ReportServer CE 4.6ReportServer Enterprise 4.6.2JasperReports IntegrationJasper4Oracle
Single server license40-50 t€*)2 k€ / 1 k€ jhl.n.a.
LicenseAGPL, Open Source (until 01/2024)commercialAGPL, Open SourcecommercialBSD3/GPL, Open Sourcecommercial
Cloud/Container SupportAWS, DockerAWS, DockerDockerDocker
Report EnginesJasperReportsJasperReportsJasperReports, BIRTJasperReports, BIRT, Chrystal ReportsJasperReportsJasperReports
Application ServerApache Tomcat, Wildfly, JBossApache Tomcat, Wildfly, JBoss, WebSphere WebLogicJ2EE-compliantJ2EE-compliantJ2EE-compliantproprietary
Application DataMySQL, PostgresMySQL, Postgres, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, othersHibernate-compatibleHibernate-compatibleFile systemFile system/Oracle
Report RepositoryDatabaseDatabase, file systemDatabaseDatabaseFile systemFile system
Data sourcesJDBC, web service, customJDBC, web service, customJDBC, web service, customJDBC, web service, customJDBC, web service, customJDBC
Data formatsHTML, PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, other, customHTML, PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, other, customPDF, Excel, WordHTML, PDF, Excel, WordHTML, PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, otherHTML, PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, other
Report outputEmail, database, (S)FTP, file systemEmail, database, (S)FTP, file systemEmail, database, (S)FTP, file systemEmail, database, (S)FTP, file system Email, file system
End user GUIYesYesYesYesExtensionNo
User interactionYesYesYesYesNoNo
Online data analysisNoYesYesYesNoNo
EmbeddingREST, iFrameREST, iFrame, JavascriptRESTRESTRESTPL/SQL
Documentationvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodmediummedium
Administrationmediummediumgoodgoodmediumwith potential
DEV OPSmediummediumgoodgoodmediumwith potential
Report developmentgoodgoodmediummediummediummedium

Our comparison matrix can give you a rough idea of which server software is most likely to be suitable for you based on certain basic functions or cost aspects. Take advantage of our expertise and gain access to detailed function comparisons, further information and experts, or put a DEMO system through its paces together with us. Talk to us

JasperReports Server

The JasperReports reference server. As a reporting engine, alternatives must be able to compete with this.

JasperReports Server supports all features of the globally distributed JasperReports Library and integrates perfectly with the Jaspersoft Studio report development tool. JasperReports Server enables centralized, reusable storage of all report resources and is ideally suited for integration into your own applications. The Jasperserver can also handle cloud and container-based installations as well as server clustering, making it suitable for modern software architectures and demanding, performance-hungry installations.

JasperReports Server is offered in different versions and functionalities, which are briefly outlined below.

JasperReports Server Community Edition

Available until January 2024 in the latest version 8.2 as open source software. Unfortunately, TIBCO / Jaspersoft very surprisingly discontinued the open source development, which now raises questions for many long-time users in the short and medium term. In running environments you may still need the installation files or even the source code of a specific Jasperserver version?

No problem! The BIOSDB has both the JasperReports Server installation files from version 3.7 and a copy of the code repository. If required, we can take care of installation, customization, maintenance and support for you. Contact us without obligation.

JasperReports Server Professional, Enterprise

The upgrade for the familiar reporting engine adds online data analytics and dashboarding in a modern web UI. Easily implement management-oriented visualizations online, with the proven Jaspersoft Studio or a combination of both!

With the current version 9 of the Jasperreports Server, a new version of the JasperReports Web Studio has also been released, which now largely represents an adequate replacement for the widespread and tried-and-tested Jaspersoft Studio.

Take advantage of our years of experience in the development of business intelligence applications with Jasperreports Server Professional and Enterprise. We reveal the advantages and disadvantages compared to other Business Intelligence software visualization tools.

JasperReports IO

The service-oriented lightweight version of the Jasperreports Server. Runs without an end user GUI and without a database, preferably in the cloud.


ReportServer is a living reporting and business intelligence system that has grown over many years. ReportServer natively supports JasperReports, BIRT and, in the commercial version, Chrystal Reports. ReportServer is based on common global standards in development and middleware. ReportServer is developed by a German company and has been widely used in Germany. We favor ReportServer as a good alternative to the Community Edition of JasperReports Server due to its wide range of functions, its open source character and the variability of the report engine. In some areas, ReportServer can do much more than JasperReports Server, and the free Community Edition already provides dashboards, unlike the Jaspersoft version. The possibilities for distributing end-user reports far exceed the limited capabilities of the JasperReports Server. Of course, there are also differences in detail and a 1:1 migration at the touch of a button is unfortunately not possible today. We will be happy to explain the details and discuss possible migration paths or alternatives with you. We give you an insight into our detailed analyses and functional comparisons and answer all questions arising from your specific requirements, architecture and infrastructure. An initial analysis is fully in line with our open source philosophy: not free, but free of charge! Give us a call or . Write to us we look forward to hearing from you!

ReportServer Community Edition

ReportServer natively supports the widely used report libraries JasperReports and BIRT. BIRT in particular is worth mentioning here, as it offers a number of advantages over JasperReports (for example with regard to dynamic tables). Benefit from the advantages of both worlds with ReportServer!

In addition, the free version already offers a wide range of options for online business intelligence functions, including the display of all your visualizations in dashboards.

ReportServer Enterprise Edition

The Enterprise version of ReportServer offers a wide range of extended functionalities in the areas of reporting, data analysis and report distribution. As a central reporting engine, information platform and planning tool for medium-sized to large companies, ReportServer Enterprise provides the required enterprise toolset: professional support, integration into your security infrastructure, excellent support for administrative tasks and report development. End users, but also DevOps and report developers will appreciate ReportServer equally!

Jasperreports Integration / JRI Publisher

Similar to Jasper4Oracle, it emerged from an Oracle world, but has been on the market and established for much longer. Functions are available to generate reports directly from PL/SQL code with JasperReports and store them in the file system.

With JRI-Publisher, a web-based approach has been added to administer and call up the reports generated with Jasperreports Integration and make them available to other applications via a REST call. Here, too, we can draw on practical experience with customers and provide the best possible support for your decision, ask us.

Jasper4Oracle Server

Do you “live” in an Oracle world, develop APEX applications and perhaps still carry Oracle Reports around with you as a “ball and chain”? Then the Jasper4Oracle Server could possibly be the reporting engine of choice for you.

Due to its closed source character, low distribution and thus high dependency on the provider, the system is unfortunately not a favored variant for us. However, we will be happy to put you in touch with the manufacturer or advise you on alternatives, please contact us!